Label: Open World Music.
Razbar’s latest CD is dedicated to Hadj Nemat (1871-1920), a revered poet, mystic and reformer of the Ahl-e Haqq order.
Instruments: Daf, kamancheh, ney, tanbour, vocals.
Release date: 2008
Label: Open World Music.
Razbar’s latest CD is dedicated to Hadj Nemat (1871-1920), a revered poet, mystic and reformer of the Ahl-e Haqq order.
Instruments: Daf, kamancheh, ney, tanbour, vocals.
Release date: 2008
Label: Sacred Kurdish Music
The CD called “Doost” by the group Rezbar was released in 2008. This collection contains eleven songs sung to describe and praise the eternal God.
Instruments: Daf, Kamantche, Ney, Tanbour, vocals.
Iran, Kurdish sacred songs.
In 2002, the second CD of the Razbar group was released under the name “Leyli”. This collection contains fifteen pieces, some of which were sung only by the women of the group.
Musical instruments: daf, kamanche, tambur and vocals.
EAN: 3325480645761
Bazm-e Haghani.
The first CD of the group Razbar entitled “Bazm-e Haqqani” was released in 1999 in Cologne, Germany.
Instruments: Daf, Kamancheh, Tanbur, Vocal.
Date of release: October 1999